Our School and St John's Church
Staplegrove is a Church School within the Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust.
As a church school, we are keen to promote a Christian ethos within our community and to give the children a meaningful insight into the spiritual dimension of life, as such, we maintain close links with our local church, St Johns and with the Diocese of Bath and Wells.
Religious Education is taught in accordance with the agreed syllabus of Understanding Christianity. We also use Diocesan guidelines as available to church schools.
We aim to develop every child's knowledge and understanding of Christianity through the teaching of Understanding Christianity, Collective Worship, Values Days and religious visitors of the Christian faith. We value children learning about other major world religions, following the agreed syllubus of Awareness, Mystery and Value - Somerset.
We hope to assist pupils in their personal search for meaning and purpose in life through the exploration of human experiences, spirituality, beliefs and values.
There is an act of worship each day and its pattern and purpose reflect the Christian foundation and character of our school. The arrangements for daily worship are varied. Religious festivals and some celebrations may take place in our local church, St John's Church - Staplegrove
Under the provisions of the education Reform act in 1988, all parents have a right to withdraw their child from the school's daily act of collective worship or from religious education. Any parent wishing to withdraw a child from these elements of the curriculum should make a written request through the Headteacher after a meeting.
Our designated link persons at the church are Rev Paul Irving and Mrs Sandy Robertson.